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解锁了一个新成就:"The Duke"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Squire"
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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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Congrats Pornhub. You just committed interweb suicide. No longer worth the powder to blow it to hell.
  • 1
I update this list fairly often, but I seldom delete dead links. Music Related links are at bottom.
v=DhqKLS-J7IY (Bad 1977)
5fVl2IJAL1E (Flavia Heretic 1974)
v=efuRHjEYID8 (Wendel Flick ITAL)
UCUD9r1Qhg_JHsbJjFUPGvSg (Classic TV)
embed/3IxvehUcxB0 (Act of Vengence 1974)
embed/kGZDwhN7iNQ (Fuego 1969)
UCg6fpO9TsmrodYLpa2mLdBA/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid (Many skin flix)
UCtmcDcfu9oW-xl4GbGerMLw/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid (Classic Brit TV)
embed/BedCADkfSqw (Countess Dracula 1971)
embed/-EJaYD3iUAY (Daughters of Darkness 1971)
v=Gw4MyahZcE0 (Vampire Lovers 1970)
v=Sf2NgliFRtk (Valerie...Wonders 1970)
embed/y3rXITXg310 (The Nude Vampire 1970)
embed/EpkJ5z3N91w (The Witchmaker 1969)
v=CAGawQhbJQA (1977 flick)
UCTO2cCeCCcVV5LNR4m1rUTQ  embed/i0qL6DkeZME
embed/0YQ5mIxAh1I (In Praise of Older Women 1978)
embed/Ka9xOMsQgG8 (Short film Fr)
embed/MPFzXwyBxK8 (The playbirds)
embed/rHr_cWMqZSU (porn doc about youknowwho)
embed/8kVFtHhYicw (Emmanuelle & White Slave Trade 1978)
v=jnVQnpI7Ppw (Little Darlings 1980)
v=qtf4tbZ1bxQ (Gregorys Girl 1981)
embed/e1hJQ565BXc (Violenceina womens prison 1983)
embed/f8JqhWhlM-A (Womens PrisonMassacre 1983)
embed/ZvD1mAFZR70 ( 1985)
v=X8Wnk8U_8n8 (Straw Dogs 1971)
v=SA20813mKt4 (Legend of the Witches 1970)
v=hxLj3W68ias (Mark of the Witch 1970)
v=uKrXlVLVEmo (Tam Lin 1970)
embed/9BehlSg9q2s (Appasionatta 1974)
v=P5fiOh-CLB4 (Flavia the Heretic 1974)
embed/n2fC49jSdeE (Frozen Scream 1975 w trailers before flick)
embed/oyaW51UW8Jw (Sister Emmanuel 1977, Spanish)
embed/b8axuUxkPTQ (Seven 1979)
embed/I88c8jO0gDg (Hellhole 1985)
v=iXHwl5uKP_g (Mischief 1985 58:25)
embed/E_mXDyJA8gQ (The Bloody Judge 1970)
embed/WnkJZqEZ7p4 (Educating Julie 1984)
v=0bPhwH-_28g (Zombie Island 1984)
embed/Zd6BmG5jafs ( 1984 17:25)
embed/prpVvFrGce8 (Bolero 1984 38:10 is nice)
v=wbxkH-envII (Wizards-Animated 1977)
v=NxGrLcA_uSI (Watch Me When I Kiiiiill 1977)
v=z4Tb8jp5gu8 (Martin 1977)
v=tHqT4B5GcxE (Hitchhike 1977)
v=Yzo40Bd0Y-I (I have no Idea wtf this is 1976)
v=A4AgojVmcKI (Carnival of Bloood 1973)
v=zSHtE2JdW2o (Lucifer Rising Short Film 1972)
v=-U8jJ2S_6NQ (The Triple Echo 1972)
v=xQSUVW6RoW4 (Die Screaming Marianne 1971)
v=9iDwj7ZMoUs (The Reckoning 1970)
v=zrSPZJYv3IA (The Last Valley 1970)
embed/84QnLl4RMLc (Eye in the Labyrinth 1972)
v=q7fjSALTTd0 (Badlands 1973)
v=NxGrLcA_uSI (Watch Me When I .... 1977)
v=vlFA6j0D6pg (Steve Martin Live Show 1984)
v=6M0Kzs7fyDk (The Female Bunch 1971)
embed/MGaZ9jndR68 (Sweet Trash 1970)
v=boueo0rJ-yA (Valerie and her Week of Wonders 1970 eng subs)
v=TpDHRzxg7uA (The Conformist 1970 eng subs)
v=dNB-ZXSsDHk (Until The End of The World 1991 4hr48min version)
embed/80heoBat6WQ (Orgy of the Ded 1965)
v=3pRB6uYGAMM (Beastmaster 1982)
v=tPP-4enJkxY (Vampira 1973)
v=yk95vmZUIaQ (Wrong Way 1972 -must log in)
embed/S1qH9T5b49A (Can I Keep it Up for a Week 1975)
v=mO7--uecI-M (The Boys from Brazil 1978)
v=wg4yGhiGcv8 (Night of the Cobra Woman 1972)
UCJlsAIoX2SLXh7CVCmMMfmw (need to check)
v=zM1vfah7Kz4 (Bell from Hell 1973)
v=Yei4a5gQn7Y (The Hawk & The Dove 1981)
v=tL57DG8l2b4 (Mu.... Syndrome 1981)
v=NG7KLaL0BkA (Streetwalkin' 1985)
embed/Fkx8k4EdFY4 (Schoolgirls in Chains 1973)
embed/bNgZ5F_ZoKQ (Frenzy 1972)
v=SpOegPhoSEE (Gargoyles 1972)
v=be326lQDQT8 (The Double 1971)
v=-0QOaFIevs4 (Hatchet for the Honeymoon 1970)
v=ehC05EqrqMQ (Eye of the Cat 1969)
v=tKcWihdna3I (Charly 1968)
v=PxsmQB1_aMY (Dementia 13 1963)
v=dbM1WZZO450 (Swedish Film 1:13:15)
v=uSy01VWLBW4 (Psychos in Love 1987)
embed/fB0mAIJkKfA (Jack the Ripper 1976)
v=Lz2_BaBEeUU (Night of the Devils 1972)
embed/sU3bwRSSva4 (Sadist of Notre Dame 1979)
v=l5Z2Rahr_mI (Secrets 1971)
embed/55QZ6wNIiAk (Vampyres 1974 after video intro)
embed/NUVbpRM5R8Q (Seven 1979)
watch?v=IRNRHIrNlQU ( ...Obsession 1981)
v=V-ZljYhuFbU (Chil... of the Corn 1984)
UCtAddMIPhKMbLED3KEQiJGw (FilmRise Features)
embed/u7POV9iH9Bc (The War Zone 1999)
v=v_thtipsYmc (Tatort Kinski Ep. German Lang)
v=VnHJlAeJ5yo (Hellraiser 1987)
v=J50zi1TbTYU (Hellraiser2 1988)
v=szn-BNvHyXc (Pretty Poison 1968)
v=zm59sdI2HNY (The Vampire Lovers 1970)
embed/jY-vOwgIEgw (Demoniacs 1974 Fr. Lang. Eng Subs)
v=V35DVvaWvAk (Inserts 1975)
v=WdkSxX6e8qg (Old Enough 1984)
v=FvJN8erHPY8 (Harry in your Pocket 1973)
v=Q5UA-K64-FA (Evilspeak 1981)
watch?v=6oiTc53FxKE (Lady Frankenstein 1971)
v=mLz2_ElYzks (...Play With Dead Things 1972)
v=Fyboeebi4FU (Friday Foster 1975)
v=uAP14OMIQkM (A Boy & His Dog 1975)
embed/8AqNt3ss-2I (The Coming of Sin 1978)
v=PlUOSq3P3EE (The Big 1978)
v=dCYSBa-vlx0 (The Unseen 1980)
v=PUtfFL6l4E4  (Bloody Mama 1970)
v=ejfqYnIf8gI ( on Satans Claw 1971) 
embed/joqxmtWW3Xc (Virgin Witch 1972)
 v=LG09jClA0n8  (A Woman Under the Influence 1974)
v=YBF-SxUZoT4 (The Long Good Friday 1980)
v=FfGzhCof-Pc (Slumber Party Massacre 1982)
UCW30MHHYM6OuLGqRb4J5LwA (Classic Country Music Tv shows & Vids)
v=zElRnrptLGM (Deep Purple live 1970)
v=kdWqRupfABs (The Doors Live 1968)
v=p27eoU64Efs (Doobie Brothers Live 1977)
v=s63tmVBuRFQ (Heart in Concert 80's)
v=EL6_KdxMvrs (Genesis Old Grey Whistle Test 1980)
v=ogSES9igC74 (Blondie live at the Apollo 1979)
v=W4WayP-6BwU (Black Sabbath live 1974)
v=PFcpekoW4MQ (Neil Young live 1971)
v=NhEI2jtxc9M (Stones Altemont 69 & 70)
v=E4tCaQPnEAk (Seals n Crofts 1974 Soundstage)
v=3AIjTb9Ixqk  (Merle Haggard Austin City Limits 1985)
v=Efd14LkMjY4 (Bill Withers live 1974)
  • 0
I don't put videos in the favorites list. I use playlists. Check my playlists. https://f2a.top/users/xap777/playlists/public?o=mv                            
  • 1

Alternatives to Pornhub? Post in my stream if you know of any better places. My PM's aren't working and no messages I may send or post in other users streams are visible. My old xhamster username is zag777.

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