They're coming to take us AWAY
If you haven't heard/read, you will now... Visa and Mastercard have both cut ties with Pornhub. We can't use our credit cards on this site anymore, to pay for memberships, downloads, premium memberships, or send tips.
The people behind this ban are a laundry list of ultra-conservative religious groups costuming themselves as protectors of the innocent while in reality they just really really hate porn and want to shut it down, completely. Everywhere.
Because they're not stopping with Pornhub, lads and ladies. They'll go after c4s, OF, and the like soon enough - and once you force an ever-aging fanbase to put their trust in cryprocurrencies you're asking for about a ninety percent loss in what one could call a 'paying fanbase'. Do YOU want to buy bitcoin to leave me a five dollar tip? Didn't think so...and don't blame you a damn bit.
But what this means for every content creator, model, producer (and every dependent of said ENORMOUS part of the workforce) is likely a HUGE, IMMEDIATE drop in income....during a worldwide pandemic for fuckssake.
Go read all about this online and educate yourselves about the MANY rights at stake behind this obvious porn powergrab by the people who think we're all a bunch of human trash. I'm disgusted, and frankly concerned.
Keep yourselves close, and as always I love You , and You , and YOU, and you in the back there....