A Note About Offensive Comments
I'm just as opinionated as the next person and I have no problem saying what I truly feel about an issue or person. However, upon making a harmless comment to user elgato about his dick, something like "nice dick dude," I got the response "fuck u fucking fagot," which clearly wasn't even spelled correctly I might add. Yet when you check his profile, he's got pics of (literal) huge dicks for friends. Hmmm. Me thinks the (lady) doth protest too much ;O) Oh well. It's a shame when we try to humiliate others by way of making ourselves feel better. I use the word "try" because no one can humiliate me without my express consent and...I don't think so. So for all of you , , chauvinists, anit-Semites or whatever, the next time someone sends you a message you don't really want, please try to find a better way to decline your interest. Personally, I'd just block the person. That seems like the way to go. Anyway, I reported him. Hopefully the powers that be cancel his account. Not the end of the world, but it does send the message that that type of attitude won't be tolerated.