music, music, computer graphic design, riding dirt bikes (although not so much these days), sports, exercise (running/lifting), .I love going out on the water, boating, swimming....surfing when I am in a good location. I used to fish when i was a ....but been a while.
Don't watch too much tv these days. I was a big fan of Lost. I will catch a couple of YouTube channels i keep up with currently but I dont have time of the ....will to sit down through too many episodes of anything. I've seen SOA, Breaking Bad, Dexter, etc....
Huge Star Wars fan but....Not so sure after The Last Jedi.
I will watch anything that peaks my interests enough...or if there is a lovely lady that suggests such a thing then, perhaps.
grew up with all sorts of rock, motown, pop.... blah blah... Played in rock bands for . I like any music that is GOOD music.... not bullshit noise or lyrics that a 2nd grader could easily write better. Trying to discover much more good music these days... seems tough. Help me
toooooo many to list
Fun women who aren't TOTALLY crazy =D
I love ll types of women, but especially dark haired, tan exotic types (Latina, Asian, etc.) I've been blessed to have been able to tour around playing music and visiting many lovely ladies around the world. I enjoy occasionally being romantic or just fuckin wild. Depends... There is no "one type" of woman for me. Many things turn me on...A woman who takes charge and can also be taken charge of... that's good.
So....what's your name?
People who have no respect for others (and especially themselves). I believe you can have confidence without being a cocky ass. I really don't enjoy know-it-alls or gold-digging trifflin' hoes.....but who does right?
I am pretty forgiving as long as someone is willing to TRY.