Hi, I'm Mark Rockwell. I'm a low life smut peddler with exquisite taste. In all honesty, I'm like you. I'm just an average guy that enjoys having his cock sucked and fucked by hot pussy. From experienced pornstars to nervous amateurs, I fuck 'em all. JOIN MY FAN CLUB!
会勾起我性欲的是:Ponytails. Girls that wear chokers, chucks, and shorts. Sluts that swallow. Roadhead. Rimjobs. Married ladies, chicks with boyfriends, girls half my age, MILFs, whores, and trashy women.
会浇灭我性欲的是:Fake friends, prudes, cigarettes, chicks that don’t suck dick, loud-mouth opinionated assholes, thief's, liars, high waisted jeans, smelly unkept vaginas, and passive aggressive dickheads.