Darling Rosette
Darling Rosette

Darling Rosette

I'm Rose! I am a sex worker and a generally helpful person. Here you will find mainly queef and solo masturbation videos, some light bdsm and bg oral. // This is my only Pornhub account. I read my video comments. I auto-accept all friend requests. I ignore messages. Thanks for watching :)
感情状态: 单身
喜欢: 男性
色情明星主页浏览量: 537,408
职业状态: 活跃的
工作起始及结束时间: 2016 至 今
性别: 女性
三围: 38B-34-43
身高: 5英尺8英寸(173厘米)
体重: 180磅(82公斤)
种族: Black
背景: American
发色: Brunette
眼睛颜色: Brown
假奶子: No
纹身: Yes
是否有穿环: No
兴趣爱好: Solving problems. Reading, learning, thinking, and discussing. Crochet. Baking, organizing, and other domestic tasks.
会勾起我性欲的是: Various submissive aspects of BDSM (bondage, discipline, submission, masochism). Observing expertise in others. Various taboo subjects.
会浇灭我性欲的是: Disrespect, as an umbrella concept.
主页浏览量: 632,119
已看视频: 96

New phone camera video dropping 12/19

Hello my darling viewers. I am here with a rare update.
Though I disagree with the change, I will attempt a quarterly upload to comply with Pornhub's Tiers program which was introduced for models in April. The Tiers program has resulted in my videos here being demonetized as of September due to "inactivity" - defined as a period of 3 months without a 7+ minute upload. My modest average earnings of ~$5/month in ad revenue has dropped to 26 cents/month. Of course, this is a ploy to increase new content on the site while poaching earnings from creators. In whose pocket do you think I will find my lost earnings?
I grappled with whether to pull my videos from this platform in response - my original consent was for sharing these videos in exchange for ad revenue - but punishing my viewers is not my intention. I also decided not to check this box with old cam videos or retired videos I may no longer stand by. No, if I am going to post then you will get real, sincere videos.
The primary reason for my inactivity has been health, and those concerns have not gone away. In the past few years I have become too tired to protest or self-advocate as I have at times in the past. Besides, when I was unhoused I benefited from my occasional small paychecks from Pornhub, ManyVids, and FemScat. It feels prudent to maintain whatever online presence I can while I have housing.
So, is holding my feet to fire all it took to get me back? Maybe. We'll see. For now, enjoy my winks and queefs for your face 😉
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- 上传了1 个新视频!
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Archduke"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Curator "
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- 上传了1 个新视频!
解锁了一个新成就:"The Junior"
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Why don't I have new videos?

*This is an unsexy post about things I usually don't mention on PornHub. It's important!*
Due to chronic illness dating to before 2006, my ability to work a regular job has deteriorated. I was an active sex worker until I could no longer afford rent , and I've been unhoused since 2019. You might recall that I posted a couple videos from what seemed to be a vehicle. The quality was lower than I wanted from my content, and my van was literally swaying back and forth as other vehicles whipped past it on the side of the road. I struggled  with lighting, space, sound quality, privacy - and that was just to make videos! My day-to-day obstacles were such that I  pulled away  from sex work altogether.
With my pain and physical limitations getting worse, I can no longer ignore my need for housing .
Please read, donate, and share so I can queef again!
Thank you, truly!
Rose aka DarlingRosette
Van videos :
[Queefing white squatting in red panties] (https://pornhub.xxnet01.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e827eacd94b9)
[Queefing on a plaid blanket in leggings and red panties] (https://pornhub.xxnet01.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5ec894432a82c)
[Quick close up pussy queefing in dim lighting] (https://pornhub.xxnet01.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e82785064778)
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