

简介 TheRealAudreyHamms
I am an adorable crossdresser named Audrey Hamms, I love to wear makeup and girl clothing and suck cock, so much so that I never want to suck cock without at least lipstick on but the more dolled up I am the funner it becomes, Like I enjoyed sucking cock before but 100X better with a skirt on. I have a pretty cute ass and lots of men wants to fuck it but I only let the hottest guys do that, I do however let anybody touch it. Grab squeeze Rub and Spank my ass is a huge turn on, it sends shivers down my spine. My fetishes are, Truckers (Delivery or semi) Dentists, I used to only like older guys but I am really starting to love Younger guys even if they cum too quickly, British guys, black guys especially if they are Canadians or becoming one, big muscles, Being offered Candy by guys in a white van, Men who cheat on their spouses with me, Tall skinny Irish decent guys but not the short scrappy one, , Blonde girls with glasses. Wetaskiwin RCMP.
感情状态: 单身
喜欢: 男女通吃
城市和国家: Wetaskiwin, Canada
性别: 变性女
出身地: Canada
三围: 28-35-30
身高: 5' 8" (172cm)
体重: 195lbs. (88kg)
种族: White
发色: Black
纹身: Yes
是否有穿环: Yes
出生地: Wetaskiwin
兴趣爱好: Crossdressing, Selfies, Flirting online, Making Electronic Dance Music, Makeup, Squeezing my breasts, Playing with my new sex toys, Walking, Visiting the Graveyard, Hanging out at the creek, Going to the ball diamonds and bleachers, Posing for friends who are jerking off to my ass, Oral Sex, Double Blowjobs, Making videos, Giving blowjobs to the homeless the first Friday of every month to help combat homelessness, Shaving my arms legs belly balls and cock, Treasure hunting (not stealing though)
会勾起我性欲的是: Touching my ass and everyone is allowed to. Compliments. Being told Im a good girl. When guys jerk off thinking about me. Vodka. Meth. To Seduce me just lay on the compliments, cute beautiful hot sexy ect keep um simple I get very flattered from those and I'll start thinking to myself if I wanna suck your cock or not, after a little while tell me how hard your dick gets when looking at me or my pics, that'll instantly turn maybe into a yes. If your friends with me it'll be much harder to seduce me more difficult the longer we've known each other because I never thought of you that way. It will happen if you play it cool dont lay on the compliments as thick but maybe one or two per visit, compliment my ass I will most likely get flattered and start bending over for you and posing ect you already are allowed to grab and rub my ass any given time anyone is allowed old time friends as well and it'll turn me on too. If we've never met before you can be more blunt but once again go with compliments but also s
会浇灭我性欲的是: Being to aggressive, being rude, being unless I am too, Lying about your age, pee, foot fetishes (although I am willing to do something for them) , Going soft on me, Telling people about my businesses.
视频播放量: 1,273
主页浏览量: 5,900
已看视频: 473


thinking about getting a boyfriend, has to live nearby n be a top though.
Audrey Hamms. Crossdresser. Slut. Hot bitch. Sissy. photo
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Well your in luck then
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mmmmm id love too
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how about a nice cock to suck
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Duke"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Squire"
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Now that is what I want to be doing
Video poster 满载 3 - 场景 4
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I am going to start

Letting guys fuck me, instead of just suck their cocks. I want the biggest cocks possible as well so for now on anal is on the table. Lol.
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