

简介 Gaznlynds
We love sex like most people but love all the naughty things in life, we love oral and strangely some don't, my husband love to fuck my arse which is great as I love anal. So as a man he gets what he needs, no guy wants to moan about his wife and what she doesn't give him. All guys want a woman that Swallows his cum because she loves and is into him, to suck his dick without having to nag or moan or ask for it. I love giving him a blow job I enjoy doing it for him. I have a high sex drive and sex can be just sex, but with him I'm turned on because it's him, who who I wanted for . He loves eating my pussy I can tell trust me a woman knows the difference between someone who eats you and someone who loves what he does for him own pleasure of eating you. We both lived with the wrong people over our life span, married the wrong people, let people have parts of us physically and emotionally that we should never of given the time of day. So now we have each other and have for years now we are just addic
感情状态: 非单身
喜欢: 女性
城市和国家: Inverness, United Kingdom
性别: 男性
出身地: United Kingdom
鸡巴尺寸: 7-9"
种族: White
包皮: Uncut
面部毛发: Yes
纹身: Yes
出生地: Inverness
兴趣爱好: I love sex wine and shopping, he loves sex beer and his Harley
会勾起我性欲的是: We are an exclusive and happily married couple with an adventurous side, we love sex and both have a naughty obsession with fucking each other daily. I wake up every morning to my wife sucking my dick, she always told me that when your really into your man sex is never a chore so never has to be asked for, and man I never have. We also get a big kick from sex in amazing places like the banks of Loch Ness, so we decided to start videoing our sex life in all the fun places we travel around the world. So this year we plan on starting these naughty videos and doing them all over the Scottish Highlands in castles, by famous Lochs etc, we are traveling Mexico soon too and a list of other places so will upload videos all ove Mexico of her swallowing my cum, taking my dick in her arse and lots lots more..
会浇灭我性欲的是: I am Lyndsey and very happily married to my husband Gaz, we are a naughty couple but very much exclusively for each other so no offers of wife swapping or joining us, neither want to fuck or meet anyone else, we just are so addicted to each other. I love sucking his nice juicy fat cock and I really love him eating my pussy as often as he does. Lucky lucky girl I am. Watch this space as now we have got started the videos will improve and be so wild x
主页浏览量: 5,175
已看视频: 76

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