

简介 etch
I’m good at what I do and I enjoy doing it. If you don't believe me, you'll just have to try me, and find out for yourself.. Sorry, I'm pricy.. I want a rock on my wrist that sparkles when I twist, and if you won't buy it for me, I'll do what it takes to get it.. I mean, I'm not bougie or anything; but, I deserve nice things. Suck my cock, or fuck me raw, and maybe If I like you, you might just get off. I know I'm the boss, I like sox thick and soft; but, I need a hard cock, or my toys are my top. Silicone sucks by the way, only glass will work for my ass.. If you think that's sexy then hopefully you like my vids; because, I film them for you, you know. It's like all I want is the best things, and the best of the best is the sex things; so I'm here to see what the rest brings. Hey babe would you like to sext me?
感情状态: 非单身
性别: 非二元
出身地: United States of America
身高: 5' 11" (180cm)
体重: 145lbs. (66kg)
种族: White
发色: Brunette
纹身: Yes
是否有穿环: Yes
兴趣爱好: Do I have to say pron here? lol Sewing, dressing up like a slutt, doing makeup, making lingerie, and going for walks with my puppy.. I like to surf and I had an electric skateboard that I put over 2,000 miles on. (Nothing feels quite like riding an e-sk8.) I miss riding motorcycles, I’ve had two crotch rockets, a GSXR 600cc, and a GSXR 750cc, and I love to practice slow speed manœuvres in parking lots. Fixing broken things is my favorite pasttime. I enjoy electrical work like soldering circuit boards. It's like meditation for me. Computers and software/application development are a must.. (I know I’m a nerd, and I can’t live without them..) Of course I’m religious too. I pray all the time, and I am currently studying alchemy.
会勾起我性欲的是: Lingerie and sewing machines.. I want to be unwrapped like a package, that's how I'd take your layers off.. one piece at a time. Curves, small breasts, wide hips, wet lips, and that taste when I’m between your legs and it squirts all over my tongue.. That ever so slight scent of urine drives me crazy, like where is it all coming from, and I swear I can tell the difference between a girl's and a guy's scent.. Lips that know how to curl may have me hooked.. When someone plays with my nipples, rubs my legs, fucks me and calls me "whore" or "slut," especially right when I'm about to cum.. that’s what I call "somebody knows what they’re doing." Permission is such a turn on, it’s not even funny.. just, when someone you want wants you, and gives that look like they want it and especially if they say, "I want you." I get wet.. I like when people request or demands you do something. Being wrapped in fabric, tying ropes like shibari, and straps, I love straps..
会浇灭我性欲的是: Cigarettes, nicotine is a boner killer.. Using saliva as lube.. Rubbing my body with dirty hands.. Trying to fuck me in an uncomfortable place.. like the back seat of a Volvo. lol..
视频播放量: 9,268
主页浏览量: 4,333
已看视频: 409


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