Well lets start by saying hello from both of us.This will be her first time doing any thing of this sort OF THING Me.So me and my wife are with all intentions working on moving up the ranks in the fellow community and in are love that we share. we brought it to each other attention we had the same felling on this.We love to have sex with each other and always try new things any time its available.We are a young couple so this is a very great new step in are relationship and very excited to to be doing this.My wife is Latino and every bit of it in the bed and out.She loves to watch me jerk off and loves to play.She loves to watch threesomes with girls and the right amount of kinky and loud cumming.She her self is a thick Latina and sure knows how to use it.One of the many things i love about her is she gets into are sex and her blow jobs that i get my mind blown every time.The way i can explain him He is white,handsome, and....BOOTY!!!!! is the mans game.Hope that helps with us a little and enjoy.
His:BOOTY,ASS,Junk in the trunk this man loves ass and ass like accessories ... lol
HER: making that mans face the target for my ass lol and a British accent for some reason lol
HIM: ASSSSSS!!! sloppy blow jobs,being watched when jerking off,SQUIRTING,Rachel star for sure
BOTH: Extreme ,pissing, pegging, humiliation.anything that just not right .