I am part of the crew for the once a month naked party, Disco Disrobed, (the 2nd Saturday of every month, at the Bunker, near Old Street Station, in London ) and you can also wear your underwear instead of being totally naked too.... so it's a relaxed and fun party..... so....here is an hour and a half DJ mix taken from the various nights, and some extras too, and presented with porn visuals... so enjoy, leave a comment with any ideas or suggestions... please... and if you come down, come tell me what you think of the podcasts, and if you got any suggestions... tell me too please... I'm the one behind the decks..... that's where you'll find me... and please note, I have removed the porn audio, and replaced it with a podcast, that is deliberate. This is purely for promotional purposes, and there is no monetary gain. And PLEASE if you have a video you'd like me to add to the next video, please email me with a link, or post it on my stream... and I'll do my best to try add them...