Welcome to Bruiser and Pudge's Place. More videos from us to come. For now I hope you all enjoy the collection I like to build in my free moments. Travel the videos and photos and have a spankin' good time. Likes and comments are always appreciated as it helps drive towards producing and posting the best content.
Stepping it up with Fan and Modelhub. Custom video's are also available. Let us know what you'd like and perhaps we can get you off.
I would like to make mention that I can also write short stories for commission. Send a message and we can talk about story type and details. Sample can be found at https://www.patreon.com/WarmandPudgy
Pertaining to where we are, large men, fat yiffies, and other fatty fat stuff. I love it large and squishy
Large and lovely. Smooth, fuzzy, half and half, I love it all.
Socks, jocks, and briefs. Leather, leashes, and pup hoods. Toys, lubes, and fuck furniture.