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描述: The fastest route to sexual satisfaction is good communication. Just taking a few minutes to share about desires and preferences can make a huge, positive impact on chemistry and compatibility. From our conversation you can see that I could have easily have engaged in play that was not comfortable for Edison had we not talked first. Most people will just put up with mild (and sometimes major) discomfort during sex without saying anything because they don't want to ruin the mood. Create an environment of open, supportive and non-judgemental sharing and you'll be thrilled with the result. When we share, we connect and when we show through our intimacy that we LISTENED and LEARNED, the level of trust builds and the intimacy becomes more and more profound... even if its a one time hook up.
My scene partner is @edisongarett I have really been looking forward to working with him, mainly because he is so authentic in his expression of pleasure. It is such a turn on when our partners breath, make sound and undulate their bodies in response to your touches. Be that kind of receiver for your partners, they will reward you with more passion and enthusiasm. We are wired to breed when in the presence of authentic expressions of pleasure. For over 400 Sex and Tantra education videos and sex scenes, visit onlyfans.com/tantricfitness or justfor.fans/tantricfitness Thank you very much for your support! Love, Daddy Will
- Bareback
- Fucking
- Edging
- Multipleorgasm
- Bear
- Rimming
- Makinglove
- Gaytantra
- Hairymen
- Makingout
- Cumshot
- Tantra
- Analtraining
- Sucking
- Pupplay
- Instructional
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添加于 3年前
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136K 2年前
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70.5K 1年前
51K 2周前
39.3K 6个月前
46.6K 1周前
55.3K 7个月前
61.6K 1年前
148K 2年前
32.5K 1个月前
45.9K 1个月前
84.2K 1个月前
8.5K 2个月前
129K 2年前
4K 2小时前
2.8K 6小时前
7.8K 7小时前
7K 8小时前
6.5K 9小时前
55.3K 9小时前
14K 10小时前
12.4K 12小时前
9.1K 13小时前
以下片单均收录了 告诉我你喜欢它第 2 部分
58K 193
93.8K 296
132K 480
19.7K 116
所有评论 (18)