
my horniness

When I'm in bed all alone I would watch porb on here. Some information about my taste. I like black dudes with huge cock. I had a threesome. Two black dude and me. One cock in my pussy. One is nmin my ass. Best thing is riding on a dick while sucking on another's cock. Creampie me feels so good. Cumming in my mouth is even better. I swallow. Call me anytime. Phone sex with me.I'll rock your world baby.❤
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Oh wow but then i call your number but it didn't work lol
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How about we meet?
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9202688747 call anytime for phone sex.
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Can I see you naked?
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back to blogging

so the other day in st.paul mn. i went on a city bus, bus 74G back home. while i was on the bus this one dude was facing towrds me. he asked me where i was going. i told him i gotta go home. he ask if i was chinese, i nodded yes. when the bus stops at my stop. i get out. and that dude followed me. he asked "hey where do u live?" i pointed out my house to him. while he was following me home he ask a lot of questions. like how old are u? do u live alone? i lied to him bout my age . told him i was 25. ahaha! so i invited him to my house and he started to touched me everywhere. i lead him to my room. he ask is anyone home. i lied to him i live alone. but i my parents went to work, my siblings when to school and i was home alone by that time with him. he pushes me to my bed and he started to eat the living heaven out of my pussy. i tired to push him away and said "let me freshn up first" he didnt say anything and continues to eat me up. after that i gave him heads for almost 10 mins.. he cummed all over my face. he started to kiss me when he cummed in my mouth. he leans over and grab me to a cowgirl style. he did it so fast and nonstop . it hurts like and i have to bare with it cuzz he was in that mode. after the cowgirl, we did the missionary . and omg let me tell ya! it feels like heaven. his dick was about 8 inches. 8 inches into my pussy was like a relief ! he cummed right on top of my pussy when he took his cock out of me. i smeared his cum all over me. after sex he put on his pant quickly and said "ill be here tomorrow morning at 10. get ready for me" then left.............
toooo beee continueee............................................... stay tune and see what happens next.
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so mai what happen next
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sex me up

Maibao|Lor|19|Minnesota stpaul|living with my family|1090 euclid street saint paul mn|single mother of 1| come over anytime
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Im in st paul close by txt me 7733675249Bain
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story timee!

so as you all know, i am 100% asian, while i was at Kmart with my mom this one huge black dude apporch me mom and i, he was tryna act small and said "nyob zoo" which is "hello" in hmong. my mom didnt wanna be rude so she replies with a "nyob zoo" he ask my mom if i was her sister, my mom was like "yeh that my sister" lol by that point i didnt know wat to say so i just stood there. he asked me if i wanna hangout with him and shop around in Kmart. so i was like "sure" . . . so i left my mom and told her to wait for me in the car. while we was looking threw some stuff in there he start to be very sexual towards me. and while i was bending down to look at some high heel shoes he tends to get behind me and rub my pussy, his dick was litterly on my ass at that point. so i push him away and said "wtf are u doing perv" people was looking at us so i got embarrassed and left. i didnt bother looking back to see if he was still following me. i just went into my moms car and told her to go right now. i didnt know that he was following us while we went home that day. and by that night i was looking out the window and saw the same guy that i've met earlier at Kmart walking back and forth on the front of my yard so i told my parents everything that had happen today at the store and now he knows where we live. my dad got very farious yelled at my mom "why did u let our daughter to hangout with that black man? are u crazy?" my mom told him that she didnt want me to, but i chosed to go with him myself so i guess it was kinda my fault for not saying no when he asked me if i wanna hangout with him. so i told them imma go talk to him and see wats up with him. he was still outside walking back and forth. so i got the courage and went outside and confront his pervie ass, and as soon as he sees me. he walked up to me with a fast paste and pull me by the hair and drag me into his car and drove off. i turn to look back at my house and my parents was outside chasing after me. while i was in his car i asked him "why are u doing this to me?" he told me "cuzz u embarrassed me infront of lots of prople today" i told him that i apologize for embarrasing him. but he didnt let me out of his car after i said i was sorry. he told me to a old old old old motel from the 1950's. he pulled me by the hair once again and drag me to his motel room and the living hell out of my that night. the took about 4 hours. he do anal me so hard, that my bootyhole is so sore i couldnt even walk that morning to get my clothes on and run out of there. i have to go the main interence and ask for the phone to call the police. then the police got me home and arrested "John Jones" the guy that me
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help me out here!!!

How do you u guys post up pics on here. I don't wanna change my profile pic or anything, but I just wanted to post some more pics of me, myself and I onto my page. LOL Idk how pornhub works. Only here for the vids, too much focusing on the vids and totally forgout bout the pics.
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my contact

1090 Euclid Street, Saint Paul, MN
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how i lost my virgin part1

so i was very very popular in high skool, i go to Johnson Senior High Scool in MN. when i was in my freshman year in 2009-2010 i had a lot of friends. guys and guys about 100x people that i know gose to jhs. and this particular guy. and somehow he had the same class as me, he and i started to talk and text especially messaging each other on fb, he started to talk very sexual to me in class and during passing times in the hallways, hes always be grabbing on my ass and not to mention... i kinda like the feeling of it when he touches in me certain places on my body, after about 3-4 he became very very sexual. he and i sit in the back of science class. and he was lab partners, and when we was sitting in class, while the teacher was teaching, he pull out his dick, i looked at wat he was doing, and he grad my right hand and place it on his dick. he closed his eyes and cover his dick with his sweater while i hj the outta him. surprisingly he didnt even moan. lol.. so right after skool, he took me to his place and the living hell out of me that day i didnt ask for him to do this to me, it was a force, but not gunna lie, it feels awesome but at the same time i didnt want him to be my first. so i kinda regret going to his place that day....... 1/21/14 coming up part 2
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my story part: 2... 12/20/13

after that stranger and i have done fucking, he asked me if i wanna go grab some mc donald. so i deny it i told him i gotta get home, but he didnt give a , he took me to his place. and..... believe it or not his house was right across from my sister and brother in law's house, i didnt want to tell him that i got some relatives over there, cuzz it aint his business anyways. so while we walked in to his house, we was touching my booty, and messing with my breast, lol i felt every horny by that time. he showed me around his place and talks to bout living there with him, i got scared cuzz if i deny by saying no to him, he might not let me go anywhere, but me. so i played him, i was smart and told him "i would loveeee to stay her with u, but all my thongs and sexy clothes is back in my parents house." and ask if i can go back to my place and get my stuff before i go with him and live with him. but pshhhhhh............................. hell nawwww.!!! i know that if i go live with this beast, hes gunna fuck me every night and day. so on so on so on... and while he drove me back to my house so i can go get my stuff, he asked me thousand of sexual question, and i answer them all. i lived kinda close to this gas station like 3 blocks away, and told him to stop at this gas station, he was like "why?" and i told him that my parents and other older siblings gunna trip and asked me where i was and etc, and he was like "ok, are u gunna get ur stuff and come back here?" i looked at him, and told him "i promise i will come back here, to be with u" and he finally said ok, so i get outta his damn car and walked, and when his car was outta my sight i rannnnn........ and never came back to him................ thee endddd! 🙂
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my story part:1... 12/20/13

i was walking home from work, i only live a few blocks from my work place. and a red honda civic car pull over, and ask me where i was going, i told him that i'm going home he offer me a ride so i hopped in his car.and he asked me if i wanna go somewhere where theres no ones around, i looked at him, and i was like "i would loveee that" while we went to a quit place, i took of my top. he was gettin hard and , i totally looked into his eyes, he told me i got some big boobs. he licked me all over my neck, pussy, ass, french kissed and much more. i blowjob him for bout 5 mins til he cums, after hes done cumming, he grad me and we did the cowgurl style in the back seat of his car. i was so in love with his moaning...... love stranger sex
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i love ....

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I'm Suzie :) living in WI, Always in the mood. Horny 24.7 .. Call or txt me anytime. Phone sex anyone? 920-600-0717

"United States"
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