my story part: 2... 12/20/13
after that stranger and i have done fucking, he asked me if i wanna go grab some mc donald. so i deny it i told him i gotta get home, but he didnt give a , he took me to his place. and..... believe it or not his house was right across from my sister and brother in law's house, i didnt want to tell him that i got some relatives over there, cuzz it aint his business anyways. so while we walked in to his house, we was touching my booty, and messing with my breast, lol i felt every horny by that time. he showed me around his place and talks to bout living there with him, i got scared cuzz if i deny by saying no to him, he might not let me go anywhere, but me. so i played him, i was smart and told him "i would loveeee to stay her with u, but all my thongs and sexy clothes is back in my parents house." and ask if i can go back to my place and get my stuff before i go with him and live with him. but pshhhhhh............................. hell nawwww.!!! i know that if i go live with this beast, hes gunna fuck me every night and day. so on so on so on... and while he drove me back to my house so i can go get my stuff, he asked me thousand of sexual question, and i answer them all. i lived kinda close to this gas station like 3 blocks away, and told him to stop at this gas station, he was like "why?" and i told him that my parents and other older siblings gunna trip and asked me where i was and etc, and he was like "ok, are u gunna get ur stuff and come back here?" i looked at him, and told him "i promise i will come back here, to be with u" and he finally said ok, so i get outta his damn car and walked, and when his car was outta my sight i rannnnn........ and never came back to him................ thee endddd! 🙂