

Can the "Hi sweety. I wanna be".............. etc. spam friend requests please just fuck off! 
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All comments from anybody are welcome; male or female, but I fuck girls only.
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I'll be more inclined to add you if you take the time to comment on my pictures.
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Comment courtesy

If I write a comment on someones picture I often wish they would have the courtesy to write me a reply. Surely if I've bothered to write you one you can be bothered to write me one?
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No Pictures = No Add
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Cock hungry Slut?

If you're a cock hungry lingerie fetish loving girl add me & comment.
Comments get me hard.
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After on pornhub I've become very selective of accepting friend requests.
Which is why my friends are small. I constantly get requests from people who joined yesterday or in the past week or from guys/girls with no videos or personal pictures. Or you’ve got a photo album up
supposedly of you and there’s 3 sets of different looking asses and tits!
Copied and pasted fakers. Bullshit!
Please don’t even bother trying to add me if you are either of those. However if you’re a dirty porn whore freak who has plenty of real pictures and takes the time to contact and comment on my things then you are more than welcome.
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You're welcome.
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Just Girls

Pornhub is being lame again and doing it's random disappearing act of videos etc. Also I've not been a member for 2 months as it now randomly says on my profile.
More like ! Dumb ass Pornhub.
As I'm writing I'd just like to say a few things....... I'm not into guys so please don't bother putting in a request. I only really add girls. If I add a guy, I like their video selection.
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Crowning a new anal princess

I fucked my girl twice in the ass yesterday. We’ve been together nearly a year and only recently started to do it. I knew from the first moment I started to touch and poke around her ass hole using her own pussy juice as lube whilst we fucked that she was gonna like a cock up in there.
I got some quality lube and began lubing up my finger, just slightly up inside that sweet hole, then the full way in. First slow then quickly.
She loves my cock up there now. I'm making her a little anal princess.
I like hearing her groans of pleasure mixed with slight pain as my hard cock pushes up her tight ass hole.
I've got her a butt plug now so I can push that up as I fuck her pussy. I haven't shown her it yet, she's in for a surprise.
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Get it straight

What makes me add or accept friends?

If you have no albums of you or albums of things you like, just fuck off.
If I go on your profile and you have no vids or any visible presence of you on it. Don't just have some spam web site up wishing me to visit and fuck all else.
If you write badly and have spelling and grammar I will judge you.
If you have a decent avatar, attractive or interesting.
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When does watching porn become an addiction and when do you know its taken over your life?
When you cant turn on your computer just to check your emails and end up opening up pornhub.
2 hours later you’ve searched for, “Hard Anal” “Asian Gangbang” “Multiple Creampies” and “Dirty Milf”.
I'm on this site every day. I was made redundant a few months ago. I search for jobs for 10 minutes then spend hours searching for people fucking each other in exciting ways.
I have a girlfriend, I'm not some nerd. I don't spend my time lost in computer games.
I see her on weekends and we fuck. I fuck her twice in a day then wave her off, come back inside check my emails then... yeah back I go. On to here, find my chosen video, cock out, jerk off.
Sometimes I wake up with her, spend good times together, don't fuck, see her off then pornhub on, jerk off. A strange odd guilt yet weird satisfaction. I didn’t have to take it easy. I didn’t have to move that cock in and out, around and around,gentle and hard. Watching her response, quicker or gentle to my girls pleasure.
I watched some sexy dirty babe dressed in latex, dark raven hair flowing down her back , being gangbanged..I jerked that fucker like a jack hammer until I blew my load like some fucking animal.
Yeah I've fucked her like that. A good quicky is fantastic but the element is always the same.
Porn? I can do it with a new babe everytime. Its like picking candy. Which one shall I have now?
I fancy the Blonde...mmm yum, then I'll try the dark choco dream with that bubble ass. Lets try some far eastern spice or some cute Japanese.
I need to find a job to stop spending my days in the company of soggy tissues.
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I've been watching porn since I was 12. Not regularly since I was 12 but 12 was the first real time I saw it.
I'd seen some playing cards my best mate brought to school with women being fucked in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways when I was 7 or 8 but actually watching it on a tv screen didn't happen until then.
This same best mates dad worked shifts, his parents were separated so he had the key to his dads house where he lived alone. One day we made sure he was out working and let ourselves in.
There was a tv in the corner on some crappy 1970s style brick mantle and behind that tv,stacked ever so neatly lay what was to become a regular part of my life, though I didn't know it yet.
My best buddy reached over to the back and pulled out a black vhs tape with some scrawled hand written type marked on the label. I couldn't make it out but we stuck it in the oversized chunky tape player. "I'm just going to get some orange juice from the kitchen" I said as he sat back in the sofa and I quickly walked off. I took a gulp off the drink and came back in the room, looked at the screen and spat out my drink into the glass! There on the screen right in front of me was a hot woman being fucked from behind by a huge cock. I'd never seen a cock other than my own and certainly had never seen a pussy. Unless you count that time I was 6 and saw another in the wrong changing rooms.
My friend laughed and I stared. We sat there watching all these fantastical and new things appear in front of us. Cocks in mouths, cocks in arse holes, cocks in pussies and arse holes! Total delight for my young eyes. I sat there feeling all tingly, all flustered. My heart rate beating fast and thumping inside my chest. It's weird but I don't remember getting hard or sticky, just the feeling and the images I saw. Over the coming weeks and months we'd arrange to go around and see what more delights his dad had got. Sometimes making up elaborate reasons why I had to go see my friend at short notice when truth be he'd found a new one amongst his dads stash.
In time I got my own copies and in time I had my first wank. It wasn't to a video but to some soft German porn on one of the satellite channels while my parents were out one weekend.
In time those vhs tapes turned into dvds and then finally I became the owner of an original. Not a copy but an original with all those glorious colour photos on the front and back showing what pleasures and delights await the lucky viewer.
From tapes to dvds to now looking for it on websites such as this. I just love it. My moods change and so does my porn. Gentle porn, hard rough porn, latex and bondage.... and it all came from that
one weekend when my friends dad was out.
I'm so glad he worked shifts.
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Fleshlight days

So today it's over 81 degrees and all I've done is bang away at my fleshlight.
Male sex toys are pretty lame.
The heat just makes me a walking cock, all I wanna do is stick myself up a sweet wet pussy. One I really dig, one who turns my brain on just as much as my dick. Give me romance, give me intelligence, give me sweet perfection.
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Hot Heat and Hunnies

When it turns summer and that hot sticky feeling becomes the days constant companion, all I want to do is have a good long fuck. To hold that femininity in my arms and entwine within it. Feel that tight warmth around my cock and the sweat glide from our bodies.
........and today it was hot.
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Whats my type people ask, I've thought about this and truly I find myself constantly altering. Small tits are so pert and lovely then I see a big rack and my eyes dilate further. A little ass is cute then I see a big round peach and I'm jerking off again.
Asians I think have such a sweet look about them and their glossy dark hair is a real turn on, then a blonde white girl is just as hot, and a black babe can make me reach for a tissue as quick as any.
So I answer I love women and I love their sexyness,that unspoken reach that they have into a mans sexuality. How they can control, how they can touch our hearts, how they can powerfully oose and make me instantly turned on.
Women shouldn't really be called a slut or whore or any intentionally derogatory remark unless that it's just a comment used together to enhance the sex your having with her.
I just love girls 🙂
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