In a 'spiritual' sense, you could say that romance is a precursor to the pinnacle of embodied love
If a man can't maintain an erection for an hour or more (and most men can't or won't), a couple isn't really having sex.
They engage in mutual masturbation, which is promoted and perpetuated by pornography as the "norm."
This constitutes the general disappointment and dissatisfaction in the world regarding sexual exchanges, which often result in sex addiction in people's quest to try to meet the unmet needs stimulated by superficial sex
Man and woman different poles, the positive and the negative poles of energy.
A proper meeting of those two poles completes a cycle and produces a kind of electricity.
And direct knowledge of this electricity is possible if the period of coitus, when you surrender to each other in deep and complete surrender, can be postponed for a long time.
If it can be extended for an hour, a high charge producing a halo of electricity will evolve on its own;
When the body currents are in full and total embrace, one can even see a piece of light in the darkness.
A couple experiencing this electric flow of energy is drinking from the fullest cup of life."